Tuesday, January 20, 2015

This project is a self-portrait that was built by editing objects that I like, and that are important for me .

Looking for the objects and cut them out worked good for me.
However, challenging was for me to put all my objects together, so that there is a face to see and a balance between object and background.
The next time, I would choose my objects and my background more after how the colors work together and how good I can use them to create a face.
I used the Magnetic and the Polygonal Lasso Tool to cut my objects out and put them on Photoshop together. I also used the Move Tool to move my objects to the right spot and with the Rectangular Marquee Tool, I transformed them into the size that i needed the objects to be in.
I can use the skills that I learned with this project, if I for example want to do a collage of a friends and his or her interests. With those skills I can also edit photos and cut things out or plug things in. It taught me how to use basic Photoshop skills.

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